WOLFPATH: Polish black metal duo driven by primal strength and anger!

Led by multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Void [also associated with the post-punk band UNDERTHESKIN (pl)], strengthened by drummer Marcello [widely known from collaboration with ACHERONTAS (gr), INFERNO (cz), HAXANDRAOK (gr), BESATT (pl)]

Emerged from the fog of the second wave of black metal – bringing raw – yet powerful sound – with tearing, emotional vocals – rough riffs and luminous drums. We have just finished work on our debut album at Heinrich House Studio (pl) and now we are hunting…”PERFER ET OBDURA, DOLOR HIC TIBI PRODERIT OLIM”.

Cursed Moon
Return Ov The Freezing Void
Konstelacja Ognia
Z Popiołów

Record here: https://void9013.wixsite.com/wolfpath

Void – vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards
Marcello – drums
Guest female vocal – Lamara



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