RECIPROCAL: New album!

After putting out solid releases in Hiss from the Moat, Konkeror and Infecting the Swarm, Lacerated Enemy Records, one of Europe’s best labels…

TARTHARIA: 10th album!

At 12 years of existence the band TarthariA releases 10th album titled Z.L.O. (Zero Living One).Physical album will be released in Europe and…


Christophe Applanat – bass Hello Chris! How are you at the moment? Hi! I‘m fine, thank you. And you? I’am fine too! Let’s…

SECTESY: Power of zombies!

SECTESY from Czech republic to released their debut album full length January 2014. The 8-song album contains 43 minutes of old school death…


Ryan Wilson – all instruments Hello Ryan, how are you? How do you feel now; new album is out, so you must be…


Artyom Serdyuk – vocals, guitars Greetings. Since WOE UNTO ME are still rather unknown in metal scene this question cannot be avoided. Could…


Fornjotur – Vocals Hello! How are you today? Can you tell me something about news in HIIDENHAUTA band? Hello, today; mainly pain and…


Dmitry Belyaev And Dmitriy Arkhipov Hello EVERLASTING, how are you? How did this project started and how did you guys formed as a…


Vlad Shahin – Vocals Before I start with the interview, tell us – how are you doing these days? Recently, we released a…