Interview: Henri Koivula – Vocals I would like to ask first something about the past… THROES OF DAWN was born in 1994 in…
Interview: Henri Koivula – Vocals I would like to ask first something about the past… THROES OF DAWN was born in 1994 in…
Interview: Jussi Harju (Keyboards), Valtteri Isometsä – Bass Regards from Czech republic! Your discography is quite rich. What about to think restrospectively and…
Interview: Pekka Kivelä – guitars Hello, im sure that this is your very first interview for Czech Republic and also that you are not…
Interview: R.A. – guitars, J.E: – vocals, J.K.A. – bass Hello! Whats is the current status of the band from a musical standpoint…
Interview – Erkki Seppänen – vocal Hello! Thanks for taking the time off for the interview with you. How are things going? Hi…
STAR INSIGHT is a Finnish melodic/symphonic metal band which was founded in Seinäjoki back in 2005, but is now located in Lapua. After…
Fornjotur – Vocals Hello! How are you today? Can you tell me something about news in HIIDENHAUTA band? Hello, today; mainly pain and…
Markus Heinonen (vocals, guitars) And Jaakko Oksanen – (bass) Hello Markus & Jaakko from ASTRAL SLEEP ! Getting along well these days? Markus:…
Interview: Juha Raivi-Guitar Greetings, SWALLOW THE SUN began it´s path through the world of music in year 2000. That means in years, when…